Brussels Sprouts or Broccolini?
Written by: CJ
A small logo depicting the news story Brussels Sprouts or Broccolini?
Hi Ciscoe,
I planted my Brussels sprouts adjacent to broccolini...the broccolini bolted and I ended up with this on the tops of my sprouts. Have you ever encountered it and am I going to get Brussels sprouts or more broccoli? CJ
Unappealing Asparagus
Written by: Anna in Allyn
A small logo depicting the news story Unappealing Asparagus

Hi Ciscoe,

My asparagus has some kind weird issue and I can’t find any info online about possible pests or disease that matches what I’m seeing. Can you offer any advice?  I’ve been cutting off most of every stalk because it looks very unappealing.   Anna in Allyn

Written by: ED EVANS
A small logo depicting the news story NEW SEQUIM SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT NAMED

The Sequim School District has named a new permanent School Superintendent. She’s Regan Nickels who currently serves as the superintendent of a school district in Hapden, Maine. She has a background as a teacher in Bremerton schools.  The Sequim School Board unanimously agreed to hire her during a special board meeting last night. The Sequim Gazette says she joined last night’s virtual meeting from Maine.  She says she was born in Maine and started her teaching career in eighth-grade mathematics and science before moving to Bremerton with her husband John where served in the US Navy as a submariner.  While in the Pacific Northwest she earned a master’s degree in educational technology from City University in Bellevue and her administrator certificate from Western Washington University in Bellingham.

The superintendent position became vacant after Jayne Pryne resigned late last year as interim superintendent, replacing Robert Clark.  He resigned after a complaint in October 2020 put him on administrative leave.  Regan Nickels will start her new job at the helm of the Sequim School District July 18.

A small logo depicting the news story MEMORIAL DAY
MEMORIAL DAY is an American holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military.

Originally known as DECORATION DAY, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

The purpose of MEMORIAL DAY is to “memorialize” the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  The day is dedicated to remembering those who lost their lives and could not come home, reflecting on their service and how their efforts have secured the constitutional freedoms that we rely on today.

MEMORIAL DAY commemorates the men and women who died while in the service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle.

The fact is:  anyone experiencing the horrors of combat, whether a battle casualty or not, has also been deeply wounded in ways unseen, often resulting in a shortened lifespan.

Today we remember the fallen, and honor their service and sacrifice.


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