Prolific Dahlias
Written by: Judy in Kenmore
A large logo depicting the news story Prolific Dahlias

Hi Ciscoe,
Thank you for another year of timely advice!  I'm not always the most disciplined gardener, and sometimes I forget that it's time to do a specific task in the garden.  Your weekly reminders have been very helpful in keeping me on track. This past week, I followed your recent suggestion and dug up my dahlia tubers.  They were getting a little overgrown, and it's been too many years since I have divided them.  I was so happy to see how prolific they've been.  Hopefully there's a photo attached.

Many thanks for all that you do to educate and entertain (a.k.a. motivate) home gardeners.  All the best to you, Sassy Susan and your families.
Judy in Kenmore


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