Written by: ED EVANS
A large logo depicting the news story BURN BAN

With continued dry weather and concerns about increasing wildfire danger across the region and on the peninsula, Clallam County Fire District 3 is continuing to remind residents that a total ban on any outdoor burning is in effect.  The ban applies to all outdoor burning except recreational fires unless further banned by extreme weather conditions. As a result, Fire District 3 officials say they have been fielding a lot of calls from residents regarding the interpretation of the burn ban rules.  Reaching out to County Fire Marshall George Baily for clarification, they have been advised self-contained Traeger style smokers are permitted, but briquette and wood bar-b-ques are not, Only propone BBQs are allowed.  Permitted propane fire pits are also allowed. The Fire Marshall also says western Clallam County – which is anywhere west of the Elwha River – is currently considered to be at the High Fire Danger level. The East side of Clallam County is now listed at Extreme High Fire Danger.  So, even if using one of those propane BBQs or fire pits, the fire district is reminding residents to be extra careful.


In the meantime, wildfire smoke is continuing to plague areas around western Washington. Forecasters say widespread haze is expected to continue across our region today through tomorrow.


Emergency Info Only